Hooked on Needles

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Helping Hand from Patternworks

Have you ever had an odd question about some little detail in your knitting or crochet project and you didn't know where to turn? I recently found this page while checking out some summer classes at my favorite vacation yarn shop, Patternworks, in Center Harbor, New Hampshire.

Their Helping Hand page starts out with their own contact information, then continues with five tutorial videos for knitting: Cast On, Bind Off, Increase, Decrease and Cable Eight Front. These videos would be very helpful for a beginner.

There is a helpful FAQ section with the last entry being "What do the different yarn weights mean?" There is an excellent description of eight different yarn weights, gauge of each yarn, what size knitting needles or crochet hook to use and what each yarn might be used for. Very informative.

If you are looking for someplace to donate your knitted or crocheted items, you can look through the list of Favorite Charities and see which one suits you best.

The Care Tips section deciphers the meaning behind those little pictures on your yarn labels. You know the cute little icons that you can't really make out with words that are even harder to read. Now you can just match them up to this list and know what they are trying to tell you!

There is a little How-To for making the perfect gauge swatch, something we all do for every project, right? Well, ok, I admit it. I don't do a gauge swatch for things like afghans or scarves or mittens. But it really is best to do one before starting on an item that needs to fit well and be the proper proportions.

And the last little Helpful Tidbit of information on this page is a conversion between yarn sizes, something I have had to figure out many times by trial and error. If only I had known about this page, it would have saved me so much time and frustration!

So check it out and let me know if you find something here that is helpful to you.

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