
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Pillow Quilt Project ~ A Family Christmas Request

About 30 years ago, or maybe more, I decided to make a bunch of Pillow Quilts, also called Quillows, for my nieces and nephews for Christmas. I think I made 10 or 11 that year. The kids loved them and used them all the time for all sorts of things. In fact, they loved them To Death!

Fast forward 30 or so years. Now all those nieces and nephews are grown and married with children of their own. One of my sisters recently called me and asked if I remembered making these quilts for the kids so long ago. Most of the quilts from the original batch were for her own children and she told me that these kids, now adults, still talk about those quilts and how much they loved them. So this sister got the idea that it would be fun to give her grandchildren pillow quilts of their own. She then proceeded to ask if I might be interested in making them for her since she was never one to sew or do crafts of any kind. I told her to send me a list of the kids' names, what sort of print each might like and their favorite color. Not long after that, I had a list of 27 names with print ideas and colors!

It was fun to shop for just the right print for each child, a task I started right away. I did, after all, only have until December to get this project done and shipped! I was able to find some fabrics at my local Joann Fabrics and took advantage of sales and coupons, but most of the prints I found online at my favorite Etsy shops and other online fabric stores. It takes 4 yards of fabric per quilt, so I purchased 108 yards of fabric in total. I also purchased 27 crib size battings online from Michael's, also taking advantage of a really good sale and free shipping. I think I may have barely squeaked under the budget my sister and I had agreed upon, but I may have gone a teensy bit over it. Some prints were real bargains while still being high quality quilting fabric, but for some I did have to pay non-sale prices to get the perfect print! These are Christmas gifts from Grandma so they have to be just right!

Here are all 27 pillow quilts, completed, folded into pillows and ready to pack and ship.
Pillow Quilts

I just looked back in my text messages and found out that the first communication regarding this project came on February 21, so just three months ago! And today, May 21, I made the last of these 27 Christmas gift pillow quilts for my sister! Each quilt took me about 2 hours to make from start to finish, once I had the fabric, batting and thread ready to go. They are really quite easy to make if you have basic sewing skills and tools. Would you like to make one? I will be sharing a step-by-step picture tutorial here at Hooked On Needles very soon, so be on the lookout for it.

Happy Stitching!

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  1. I was so excited to see your post!! I remember making these Quillows and it was probably 25 years ago - must have made a dozen or so. Now you have me thinking I need to make some for the grand kids - I know they will love them. Thanks for the great idea. Hope all is well with you and your family.

  2. How wonderful you could help out your sister this way. They look so nice lined up together.


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