
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Learn to Crochet -- Tunisian Crossed Stitch Video Tutorial

Here is another variation of Tunisian Crochet which I think is very pretty. It's called Tunisian Crossed Stitch and when you see the sample below, you will know why. The vertical bars usually made by the stitches of Tunisian Crochet are crossed over each other in pairs across the row. I would have thought this would make a much tighter fabric, but in fact the fabric seems to be softer and looser than Basic Tunisian Crochet. I have also included below a very short video on how to do this stitch.

You can see in the picture that the pairs of stitches form Xs all the way across the row. Another thing I noticed about this stitch is that it seems to pull the edges of the fabric inward, so you would have to account for this when planning a project. I would suggest first making a sample big enough to get a good idea of how many stitches you would get in 4 inches, and compare that to the gauge given for your project. Of course if you are using this stitch for an afghan or baby blanket, the gauge wouldn't be as important.

I hope you find these videos helpful in learning some new stitches. Please let me know if you use them on a project and how you like them!

Happy Stitching!

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  1. Thanks for the tutorial. I used to crochet all the time but not as much lately. I didn't know that stitch but will have to try it now. Pretty.

  2. Hey Mary Grace,
    That is so! There are lots of different stitches for tunisian crochet....can't wait to put them all together! Thanks again for the video...they are great!
    God Bless You,
    Merry :)

  3. I had a difficult time finding instructions and patterns for Tunisian crochet. Thank you so much for the videos. Fabulous!


  4. You're very welcome Pam! Tunisian crochet is a nice diversion from regular patterns every now and then, and it's so versatile too. I hope you have fun with it!


  5. Mary, Thank you so much for these wonderful videos on tunisian crochet. I want to make a shawl with this stitch, warm and elegant. Instructions and patterns are rather rare in the crochet world. So I appreciate you for sharing your expertise.


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