
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wedding Gift Afghan Reappears!

Way back in October was the last time I showed my progress on the Wedding Gift Afghan which I am crocheting using a stitch called Close Scallops. I took quite a break from working on this project in favor of Christmas gifts, giveaways and lately the many oddball baby blankets I have been finishing. But now it is time to take the unfinished afghan out of mothballs and Get It Done!

Close Scallops Crocheted AfghanThis is what it looked like last time I showed you a picture. I am sorry for the tease, but I do not have an updated picture to show you this time! Shame on me! I will tell you, however, that the current State of the Afghan could fairly be considered L-O-N-G! When I work on it now, it covers me from well below my feet, bunched up in my lap, and I could easily work on it over my head if I had a mind to! So, I would have to say, it is almost finished! Horray!

The wedding for which this afghan is a gift took place as planned back in November and the happy couple is...well, happy! I have seen a few recent pictures of my niece and her new husband and they are quite a cute pair. Marriage looks good on both of them.

So for my One Project a Month for February, I will be finishing this wedding gift and wrapping it up fancy and shipping it off to the bride and groom. I am sincerely hoping that the cold weather we've been experiencing here in New England won't be here too much longer or I will wish I had saved this afghan for my March project!

Happy Stitching!

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  1. A very effective pattern - looks lovely!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  2. Once again, I see something lovely like this and think "oh, if only I could crochet". And then I remind myself that I cannot keep up with my current projects so there is no hope for a new one. LOL! Seriously, it's going to be lovely when you finish and the happy couple will really enjoy your gift!


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