
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Crocheted Pin Cushion - Fast and Easy!

Terri over at Purple and Paisley seems to find all sorts of fun little things out there, and this little Crocheted Pin Cushion is one of her most recent finds. She discovered it on Liselotte's website which is completely in Danish.

Here's my version of it...

Crocheted Pin CushionFor the top, I used several leftover scraps of cotton from the washcloths I've made recently...

Crocheted Pin Cushion...and for the bottom, some hot pink that I had almost a whole ball of. This didn't take nearly a whole ball though, so you could easily make one with just scraps of a few colors.

Crocheted Pin CushionThen I used more of the hot pink to wrap from the center around the outside to make the 'petals' of the flower. The buttons I used for the top and bottom middle were on their way to the trash on an old beach cover-up that had seen better days. I saw them sitting there in the trash and thought what a shame to waste such colorful buttons just because the item they were on was no longer usable. So I just ripped them off the fabric and saved them from an untimely demise! No sense throwing away good buttons!

Coming up soon, I'll be showing another useful tip for knitting lace, a video tutorial on a fun crochet pattern, and a look back at Tunisian Crochet with a few more variations to add to your repertoire.

Happy Stitching!

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  1. Hey Mary Grace!
    I LOVE your pincushion...did you write the pattern out? I MUST have it! Oh...I do hope you share that with us! Love the colors!
    God Bless You,
    Merry :)

  2. That cushion is so cute! I hope you remember what you did and share! What a great way to use up yarn scraps.

  3. I love that you re-purposed those buttons! The pin cushion is adorable.

  4. fantastic new project for leftovers. I always have lots and barbie doll clothes take so little.
    this will give me something new to do. thanks jokerdeer2004

  5. I love these & am so happy to have found your pattern. I commented before asking permission to sell these (with proper credit to you, of course). May I have permission? (


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