Hooked on Needles

Monday, November 29, 2010

My New Evening Handiwork Set-up

Are you satisfied with the set-up of your favorite spot where you like to settle in and spend some good quality time working on a handwork project? I wasn't for the longest time, mainly because I kept having to pick up my pattern, find my place, put it down again, pick up my hook and yarn, then continue working. Plus the only place to put anything, like my scissors and glasses and needle and pattern, was the little lamp table next to my chair. After an evening of handwork in my cozy chair, I would have such a crick in my neck from always having to look to the side, and I'd be so frustrated from continually having to pick things up off the floor after I pushed them off the little table. It just wasn't working for me but I didn't quite know how to fix it.

Then one day I had a revelation...it just hit me. I knew exactly what I needed. I went to my local Staples office supply store and did a little shopping. I know I should have put it on my Christmas list, but honestly, I just couldn't wait another day. I had to rectify this situation, and fast!

Here's what I got...

Lap desk for needleworkI took these pictures myself while I was sitting in my cozy chair with a cozy afghan over me so you could get the full effect. I purchased a nice wooden lap desk that is generously sized, with a bean-bag like cushion on the underside to mold perfectly to my lap each time I use it. It also has a cut out handle for easy moving. It is thin enough to slide right next to my chair when not in use so it is out of sight between my chair and the little lamp table unless I'm actually using it.

Lap desk for needleworkThe next thing I bought was a typing stand made of metal mesh. It's really cool and modern looking, weighs practically nothing and has a nice size ledge sort of thing at the bottom where the papers sit which I use to hold my hooks and scissors and my darning needle when I'm not actually working with them. It also came with two strong magnets which hold at least six sheets of paper, maybe more. That's the most I've had on it so far!

So I prop my pattern on the typing stand, put the typing stand on the lap desk, and the lap desk on my lap, and I am in great shape for a productive and comfortable evening of whatever kind of stitching I feel like doing. My pattern is right there in front of me, I have a firm flat surface to lay out my work for measuring or just admiring, and I still have room on my little lamp table for my cup of tea without fear of knocking it off!

When it's time to put everything away, my scissors, hooks, needles, little sticky note pad and any other assorted tools all go into the rubber bottom pencil cup that I also purchased at Staples. That sits on the lamp table, along with the typing stand. The lap desk slides between the chair and the table out of sight. The afghan gets folded and put in the cozy afghan pile. And I go to bed happy. I'm really loving this new set-up!

The project I am working on in these pictures is the Bernat Mystery Afghan Crochet-along, which is no longer a mystery since the last clue of the border was already revealed. I'm making good progress in sewing all the blocks together, so as soon as I have it finished, you'll be the first to see it! I'm also working on some Christmas sewing which I'll share soon too. What are you working on these days?

Happy Stitching!

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