Hooked on Needles

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Knitted Stuffed Teddy Bear -- Finished!

The knitted stuffed toy that I started a little while ago, using double pointed needles and a fun pattern from Oat Couture, is finally finished. I have not named him yet, but perhaps you can help me with that.

Some people wait until their babies are born to decide on a name. Seeing the baby, they say, helps them to choose the name that suits the child. So why don't you take a look at this handsome fellow and see if a particular name jumps into your mind. Then share it with me in a comment.

Knitted Stuffed Teddy BearHere he is looking pretty flat and not very 'together', but at least he has a friendly face on. That was stitched with black worsted weight yarn using chain stitch for the mouth and nose, and French knots for the eyes.

Knitted Stuffed Teddy BearAnd here he is again, still flat and friendly, but if you look very closely you might be able to tell that there has been some stitching added to his body to form his arms and legs. Or not. But it's there, I assure you!

Knitted Stuffed Teddy BearNow you can see it better. And he's been stuffed too! No longer flat, and finally his head has been sewn shut, but still no ears. Poor guy! He'd probably be embarrassed if he knew any better!

Knitted Stuffed Teddy BearWell, now he's happy. Two ears and even a nice new necktie with a handsome tie-tack. Yes, I tied that myself, just like my dad taught me many years ago. Every girl needs to know the proper way to tie a real neck tie. Never know when that skill will come in handy!

This knitting project was fun for several reasons. It was a small project so it didn't take all that long to finish, discounting all the other things I had to do in between. If I could work on it without interruption, I could probably finish it in 3 or 4 hours. I'm a slow knitter, so someone who knits fast could naturally finish it a lot faster.

It is knit all in one piece, except for the ears. Beginning at the bottom, the instructions call for casting on to 3 double pointed needles and knitting in the round, with appropriate increases and decreases, all the way up to just beyond where the neck begins. Then knitting flat for the front of the head, then for the back of the head. The arms and legs are formed by working 3 lines of simple running stitch and then stuffing the sections to fill them up. The ears are knit separately and then sewn onto the top of the head after all the stuffing and sewing are complete.

Another reason I thought this was a fun project is that gauge doesn't matter for this pattern and any yarn can be used along with needles 2 or 3 sizes smaller than what is recommended for the size yarn you choose. So it is a good stash buster project. That little necktie is just a scrap piece of ribbon I had leftover from a fleece blanket I made for my daughter, and the little round button was in my button box.

If you're interested in a little project like this, you can get information on where to purchase this pattern from Oat Couture. But before you go there, let me know what you think his name should be. I'll let you know in a later post what name he finally ends up with and the winner may just get a little something special from the proud Mama!

Happy Stitching!

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