Hooked on Needles

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Getting Ready...

It's that time of year. Time to wrap up the gardens and look ahead to winter. So yesterday while it was still dry outside and not too cold, and with the help of my two favorite little workers, we raked all the huge piles of leaves over the hill in our backyard and harvested the last of our plentiful carrot crop and a few stray onions. The ground will be frozen here very soon, and since we have raised gardens, we cannot harvest in the winter since we can't keep them warm. Take a look at our final harvest...

It's a pretty picture, but the smell was unbelievable! You should have smelled the wonderful, fragrant smell of these carrots and onions fresh from the garden. So different from what you get in the store! It took me forever to scrub all these carrots, but now we have stored them all away in the veg drawers to use as needed over the next few months. Some will be served with Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night, some will be cut up and put in the pot when I cook the turkey bones for broth, some will be chopped up for turkey dumpling stew over the weekend, some will be grated for my husband's birthday carrot cake next week, some will be steamed for various dinner side dishes, and perhaps some will just be cut up and munched for snacks. However they are served, they are so delicious!

And this is what I did today - four batches of Christmas jellies! Aren't they pretty? The first two rows are White Grape Cherry and the back two rows are Red Grape. These will be used as gifts for teachers, friends, visitors and of course our wonderful neighbors who frequently drive their snow plow up our driveway saving my husband hours of shoveling!

No needlework was done today, but after dinner and the usual bedtime routine, I plan to sit in my cozy chair with my latest crochet project and stitch up another color section of this scrap afghan I'm working on. Sounds like the perfect evening to me!

I hope all of you here in the US enjoy a wonderful day of Thanksgiving with and for family, friends and good food. I'll be back soon with an update on my Fandango Cartwheels quilt top and another project that is long overdue but must be finished soon and mailed out for Christmas! Wish me luck!

Happy Stitching!

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