Hooked on Needles

Monday, April 23, 2012

Crocheted Scrap Afghan Weight Revealed!

Remember the crocheted scrap afghan I finished recently? Seems like a long time ago, but in fact it was not even two weeks ago! Well, my kids are back in school today and we have returned to our regular routine, which means time to reveal the actual weight of this big afghan and declare a winner of the guessing game. Let's get to it...

2012 Scrap Afghan ~ Complete!Just to refresh your memory, this is the afghan of which I speak. It is folded in half here and then hung over the deck railing. This thing is HUGE and cozy, and it's available over in my Etsy shop for anyone who likes a warm blanket to cuddle up with on a cool evening!

Crocheted Scrap Afghan Weight Revealed!So to get an accurate weight on this oversized afghan, I folded it up and packed it into one of my large shopping bags and took it to my local post office. The self-serve kiosk there is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I use it all the time and it saves me so much time waiting in line. I put the bag on the scale and touched all the right places on the screen to get to this....

Crocheted Scrap Afghan Weight Revealed!...the afghan inside the bag weighed 5 pounds 11.6 ounces. And then I took the afghan out of the bag...

Crocheted Scrap Afghan Weight Revealed!...and put the empty bag on the scale...

Crocheted Scrap Afghan Weight Revealed!...and found out that the empty bag weighs 4.1 ounces.

So after a quick calculation, I determined that the 5 lb 11.6 oz afghan in bag less the 4.1 oz empty bag equals a crocheted scrap afghan that weighs in at 5 lbs 7.5 oz making Margaret from Michigan the winner! I've already contacted Margaret with the good news. Thank you all for playing along with this fun guessing game! I was actually surprised that the afghan didn't weigh more than that because every time I had to turn it at the end of a row, it seemed to gain at least a pound!

So what do you do with your leftover yarn from other projects? I love to make scrap afghans like this one, but usually smaller. This time I had a lot of leftover yarn I wanted to use up! Another idea for using up your leftover yarn is to crochet or knit squares, either all in the same stitch or in different stitches, just making sure each square is the same size. Then when you have enough squares made, sew them together and crochet a border around the whole piece and there you have your own one-of-a-kind scrap afghan!

If you'd like to find a fun stitch or two to try with your leftover yarn, check out my video tutorials by clicking HERE. Make a few blocks in each stitch and you'll end up with a lovely sampler afghan. You might even discover a new favorite stitch!

Happy Stitching!

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